Archive for August 6th, 2007


Discovered six weekends back.

August 6, 2007

I am really really really good at Table Tennis.

I would have easily become a champ if I had started playing when I was younger and then really followed it well.
Instead I did exactly what I should not have done. Grrrrr…..



August 6, 2007

I am cranky and in this silly lyrical mood
Maybe coz I am hungry and have no food
O.k. that was the worst rhyme ever
And I thought I could write something clever.
If you don’t like it, close the page dude!



August 6, 2007

And I really wished I could fade into the background,
A world, impervious to light and devoid of sound
Oh! Don’t worry, I am not depressed and all,
Was just snoozing in a corner of the conference hall
When the speaker called on me, and snoring I was found



August 6, 2007

And some come along to undo what you have defined
While others just come along to simply fuck up your mind.



August 6, 2007

Sometimes it’s important to know
What to hide and what to confess
And sometimes we unknowingly swap
Confessions and secrets to make a mess


Say or Believe

August 6, 2007

And I wonder what causes relationships to rot
Not believing what is said or believing what is not



August 6, 2007

They say when it rains after a long drought, it pours.
It is pouring here too.

Pouring lots of things.


I will anyways write

August 6, 2007

He wrote and posted for his own sake,
An identity, neither true nor a fake
An aching episode in a masked story
An ideal proclaimed in its own glory
He wrote with his own unknown intention
Neither for memory nor anyone’s retention
Composed on his own individual belief
Sometimes just as a break or relief
Sometimes just his own little point of view
An idea that spurted in his mind and grew
Based in his own thoughts and situations
Open to everyone’s subjective interpretations
Now if she read it and she thought
That to tell her something, he actually sought
Without him asking her to read it
She read and identified, because it nicely fit
With what she wanted. Drew her own conclusions
Decided to live under her own delusions
Went ahead and altered her life
Caused some heartache and no less strife
And he stopped writing, went about feeling guilty
I ask you, is it his responsibility?
And that left him with a bitter taste
Feeling that posting on the net, was a waste
On ambiguous posts like the one you are reading, there should be a block.
No one should be allowed to generally blog
About things that can be interpreted in another way
Only things that are specific should be allowed to say
A post open to meanings is a dangerous game
What was written and understood may not be the same
And in that exactly is what I see the mystery
Of different imaginations coloring history
In their own different worlds they fit the word
And for once, each one thinks for his own and not as a herd
And there goes on this pro-and-against blog fight
And while it goes on, on this blog, I will anyways write



August 6, 2007

Though they knew and believed he was right,
Not one of them dared to take up the fight
And all they did was lay their ideals to rest,
For what they thought, under pressure, was best.